Category Archives: Exhibition

Healing Images -Zyklus der Heilung

The „Cycle of Healing“ is an art series of flower and plant compositions. The blossoming and dying of nature symbolizes the cycle of life – the eternal cycle of decay and renewal. From the mud the lotus flower blossoms, the deceased nourishes the germinating, the blossoming one. Metaphorically, the disease […]

Floating – the Jellies Dance

Floating – the Jellies Dance: This series of Jellyfishes was photographed in Asia and the USA over several years. View more Jelly Fishes under Breathing and Depth The photographs are printed on Fine Art Museums Paper and are mounted on Alu Dibond behind Plexiglas. Sizes are:   80 x 60 cm (31 x 23″) […]

Art Reception for Barbara Essl

Art Reception – over 120 guests attended! This event was sponsored by the new Marin Munchies organic chocolate company, Neka Pasquale of Urban Remedy, Nathalie Haulin of Planet Wine, and Mike Rogers, Kitchri Chef extraordinaire!

Californian Exhibition 2016

San Francisco | Marin County  Comments on Barbara Essl’s Artwork:  “ If you believe that art and nature can be healing, I think you would agree with me that Barbara Essl, the Austrian photographer, is a master healer. Whether viewing the beauty of Venice or the ‘lost city‘ in China, […]

Rezension von Prof. Dr. Vera M. Weld

Rezension von Prof. Dr. Vera M. Weld „Großsteinanlagen im Licht des Erkennens“ der österreichischen Fotokünstlerin Barbara Essl Die aktuelle Werkschau „Großsteinanlagen im Licht des Erkennens“ der österreichischen Fotokünstlerin Barbara Essl hält für die Betrachter Denkanstöße bereit, wenn sie daran geht, historisch bedeutende Großsteinanlagen im niederösterreichischen Waldviertel mit möglichst einfach wirkenden […]

Mostra di Tarvisio

Mostra di Tarvisio – Alla Vernissage nella Torre mediovale erano presenti tanti amici e amanti delle belle arti e da parte delle autorità il Sindaco di Tarivisio, Renato Carlantoni, e il presidente della Carnia Welcome, Massimo Peresson. La mostra sarà aperta fino al 2 di Maggio 2016.

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